Our strategic vision:

To become the leading company in the financing and economic consulting sector, believe in the values and objectives of our clients, and facilitate their financing and investment businesses.

High Level of Services

We assist with any company’s international trade needs by arranging Documentary letters of credit to assist with corporate cash flow requirements. Letters of credit can also fulfil inventory needs for large and small purchase orders

About our Global Solutions

We facilitate and manage the process of the opening of Letters of Credit on behalf of our clientele and continue the ongoing management of the letter of credit process throughout the period for which a transaction may occur.

Global Trade Solutions

If you are trading on an international level, you’re aware of the risks involved with your transactions. We offer many solutions which include import and export Letters of Credit, Standby Letters of Credit, Guarantees and Performance Guarantees.


Trade Solutions ​to Every Customer ​

We are a service provider providing trade solutions for both established and upcoming business whose growth is constrained through financial limitations.

We assist in providing custom global trade solution to traders, brokers and agents who do not have the credibility to obtain the assistance from their conventional local banks, and thirdly to enhance the credibility of the client in obtaining his supplier’s confidence on capability to perform thus also filtering the same to his buyers who would then place their own financial instrument to secure the commodities for themselves which the client can then replace with that backed by our principal providers

These Instruments range from:
– Documentary Letters of Credits
– Standby Letters of Credits
– Guarantees
– Bid / Tender Guarantees
– Performance Guarantees
– Ready, Willing and Able (RWA or POF)​

” ZURICH FINANCE CONSULTANTS & PROJECTS MANAGEMENT LTD ” We offer our customers a wide range of trade services that include Standby Letter of Credit, Guarantees, Documentary Letters of Credit, and RWA / POF SWIFT messages. ”
To learn more about these services and instruments press for more info or simply contact us directly via email. 

M.J is the exclusive agent for Zurich in the Middle East

Sh.b is the exclusive agent for Zurich in the Middle East

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